After the joyous palm processional and the descent into betrayal and judgment that we experienced last Sunday, we spend the rest of the week following Jesus through his final days before his crucifixion. Maundy Thursday is a service of the upper room in which Jesus has his final opportunity to speak with the disciples he loves. Never does he speak more plainly about what he hopes for his followers. Good Friday walks us through the desolation of the crucifixion. Saturday is a day of waiting for the brilliant light of Sunday’s resurrection sun.
As you go through each of these services, try to experience Jesus’ death and resurrection with new ears. What would it have been like to sit at the table with Jesus one last time, hearing what seems to be his farewell speech? How would you have felt as you realized that things were going badly for your leader, and were leading to a death sentence? What if you didn’t know the end of the story–would Jesus’ crucifixion seem like a cruel end to all your hopes? Would the resurrection seem an impossible surprise ending?
May your Holy Week be filled with holy surprises and a deeper love for Jesus, as you walk with him to the cross, the grave, and new life.
–Greg Scheer