This Sunday will be an exciting day, with visitors from the Calvin Worship Symposium, BES joining the service in the sanctuary, introducing this year’s COS Psalm contest winners, and welcoming Urban Doxology who will lead music and David Bailey who will preach. I (Greg Scheer) thought it would be helpful to give you a little “homework” to prepare fore the service.

David Bailey

You’ll remember that I spent part of this summer on sabbatical in Richmond, VA. David is the one who invited me. We’ve become good friends over the years, and it was wonderful to see him in his own church and community context. He is a fine musician, speaker, and preacher.

If you want to get a sense of where he’s coming from, here is an article her wrote recently:

And a few interviews with COS’s own Joan Huyser-Honig:

Urban Doxology

East End Fellowship in the Church Hill neighborhood of Richmond is at the center of a number of initiatives to equip worship leaders in urban settings. One of them is the Urban Doxology band that will lead the music in the Feb 1st worship service. Many of the members are graduates of the Urban Songwriting Internship, where I taught while in Richmond. They’ll introduce some of their own songs on Sunday.

If you’d like to prepare yourself to sing along, here are some links to follow:


If you want to be a full on Urban Doxology groupie, here’s their full schedule while in Grand Rapids:

  • 4:15pm Thurs & Fri Vespers service @ Calvin Seminary Chapel
  • 7:30pm Saturday @ Oakdale Park Christian Reformed Church
  • 8:30 am and 11:00am Sunday @ Church of the Servant
  • 5 pm Sunday @ Hope College The Gathering in Dimnent Memorial Chapel