If you or someone in your house would like to volunteer in any of our ministries for 2 ½ year olds through high school students, please plan to attend our
tonight, September 27 from 6-8pm in the café at COS.
Our Schedule:
6:00 pm: Dinner & Details
6:30 pm: Say What?! Approaches to cross-cultural communication
7:15 pm: Break-out sessions: gather with your group of leaders and assistants to get (re)-oriented for another year of sharing God’s stories and his love with the children & youth of COS.
Break Out Session Locations:
Little Lambs Leaders & Assistants: Gather in Purple Room
Children’s Worship Leaders & Assistants: Gather in 2nd-grade room
Sunday school teachers (PK – 8th grade): Gather in 3rd-grade room in Children’s Ministry Wing
Girls Club & Boys Club: Meet where your Leader tells you!
WNL & HS small group leaders: Meet in Youth Room