The COS Anti-Racism and Reconciliation Team wants to call your attention to several upcoming events. Our team has done something we do not normally do – bring in a speaker! But, we have come to value what Mark Charles has to offer with his insights into his Dutch and Native American ethnicity as it relates to racism in the church and in America. We want to invite our congregation to appreciate what Mark Charles offers too. Our team hopes you will make work to attend the Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon events.
Church of the Servant and Classis Grand Rapids East are hosting Mark Charles for Saturday morning, January 23 from 9am-12:30pm at Church of the Servant. Mark will lead us in an opportunity to experience The Blanket Exercise and to hear his presentation about the Doctrine of Discovery –which is one of the major study committee reports at the upcoming Synod 2016. Mark will also preach on Sunday, January 24, lead an adult education class at 10am and lead another workshop on Sunday afternoon from 3-5:30pm. It is a full weekend!
See the flyer below –and consider coming for an interesting and stimulating experience –and one that will contribute to the diversity and inclusion goals of Church of the Servant and the CRC! We expect this to be a very meaningful opportunity.
Below are some links to help us become acquainted with Mark’s work:
- A New Conversation (1:41):
- 2014 Rehoboth Christian School Commencement Address (18:08):
- Blog, wirelesshogan: