by Jemar Tisby
The Color of Compromise is one of those books that is an easy read because it does not use complicated language or have dense academic theories to unpack. But, it is a very difficult to read because it presents an irrefutable truth. As we learn about the history of racism in the United States, often
the question arises, “What about the church? Is the church complicit in the development of racism in our country?” Jermar Tisby has challenged himself with the task of answering those questions.
For me, as a Christian, it is imperative to learn about the racism led by the church. Otherwise, I fear we will keep adding to the racial damage of today. How can we make another way, a more God-honoring way? How can we live as Christians, seeking justice and mercy for all people? First, we must look back and learn. Then, we may be able to form an antiracist step
forward. (Janice McWhertor)