Join us this Sunday, Sept. 16 (and next Sunday Sept. 23) for our “Tables and Tours” ministry fair:
- 9am– Guided tours of COS. Have you ever seen the Youth Room? Do you know where the COS Food Pantry is located and who it serves? Why is there a tree in the center of the large worship space? What was the idea behind painting the exterior of our church so many different colors? Where do ESL students check in? Chances are you know details on some of our COS ministries and our history, but you don’t know it all. We invite you take a guided tour around our church to learn more.
- 11:30am – Tables highlighting all the different ministries of COS will be set up in our café and fellowship space, inviting members and friends to learn more about these ministries and consider ways their gifts could be put to use at COS.