Living Water Flows Through and Beyond Us
During a Stewardship Team meeting, several of us recalled a Lenten season several years ago when COS published a booklet of meditations and reflections. The writings held great meaning for us. Some of us read them over and over, likely because they were written by fellow parishioners.
We would like to try something similar during our Stewardship Campaign. For the next five weeks, we will provide a reflection on giving along with an opportunity to respond.
Some of my favorite verses from scripture illustrate this week’s theme, Living Water Flows Through and Beyond Us.
“Behold! What manner of love the Father has bestowed [lavished] upon us, that we should be called sons of God.” I John 3:1.
In the book Why Give? John DeVries writes about the vivid imagery of love, lavishness, and water flowing: “I love that word behold. ‘Look at this!’ John shouts to us. ‘Look at the lavishness of God’s love.’ The word lavish means to pour out in such abundance that the container overflows with it. His giving is like filling a glass of water so full that it overflows and spills on the ground.”
The living water flows so abundantly that we must let it flow beyond us to others.
“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” I John 4:7-8
These verses make me think about a time in my life several years ago when everything was going very wrong. However, I never anticipated how much time and mental energy people were willing to give to help me. They were truly lavish in their giving! God’s love flowed through and beyond them.
Questions for reflection based on DeVries’ book:
- Can you recall or tell about a time when someone lavished you with love, help, or a gift? Did it change your life? Did it change they way you give to others?
- Have you experienced times in your life when God has multiplied what you thought was an insignificant gift or act of encouragement far beyond anything you dreamed possible?
I’d like to collect some of your thoughts and share a few of them, with your permission. If you have a response to the questions or a story about giving, please email
Kristin Gootjes
Stewardship Team