Periodically, I like to dedicate a Sunday to taking requests from the congregation. This is not my way of living out some latent DJ fantasy, but a way of keeping a finger on the pulse of the congregation. It helps me get an idea of what songs are on the hearts of COS members. Plus it makes for a fun, community-oriented day of worship.
What follows below are the lists of the songs we sang at 8:30 AM, at 11 AM, and the list of every song I received throughout the day. Remember that we could only sing songs that appear in our hymnals: the Psalter Hymnal and Joyful Noises. COS’s worship planners will be looking at this list as we plan worship services throughout the coming year.
Sung 8:30 service:
- Gift of Finest Wheat (PsH #300)
- My God, How Wonderful You Are (PsH #499)
- Give Thanks (JN #18) – requested twice (once in each service)
- Communion (JN #214)
Sung in 11:00 service:
- Give Thanks (JN #18) – requested twice (once in each service)
- Come You Thirsty (JN #202)
- Diverse in Culture, Nation, Race (JN #129)
- To God Be the Glory (PsH #473)
Requested Song Complete List:
- A Chosen People (JN #122)
- A Congregational Lament (PsH #576)
- A Mighty Fortress is Our God (PsH #469)
- Bread of Life (JN #213)
- Celtic Alleluia (JN #15)
- Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus (PsH #329)
- Come, You Thirsty (JN #202)
- Communion (JN #214)
- Diverse in Culture, Nation, Race (JN #129)
- Earth and All Stars (PsH #433)
- Eternal God Beyond All Time (PsH #433)
- For the Beauty of the Earth (PsH #432)
- Gift of Finest Wheat (PsH #300)
- Give Thanks (JN #18) – requested twice (once in each service)
- God Himself is With Us (PsH #244)
- God is Our Fortress and Our Rock (PsH #468)
- God Reigns: Let Earth Rejoice! (PsH #97)
- I am the Bread of Life (JN #212)
- I Know that My Redeemer Lives (JN #510)
- I Sought the Lord, and Afterward I Knew (PsH #498)
- I Want Jesus to Walk with Me (JN #311)
- I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light (JN #106) – requested twice (once in each service)
- In Christ Alone (not in pew books) – requested twice (once in each service)
- In My Life Lord, Be Glorified (JN #103)
- Lead On, O King Eternal (PsH #555)
- Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending (PsH #611)
- Lord God, Almighty (JN #25) – requested twice (once in each service)
- My God, How Wonderful You Are (PsH #499)
- O The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus (not in pew books)
- Praise the Lord, Sing Hallelujah (PsH #188)
- Praise to the Lord the Almighty (PsH #253)
- Proclaim the Glory of the Lord (JN #20)
- Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (PsH #617)
- The Day You Gave Us, Lord, Is Ended (PsH #318)
- To God Be the Glory (PsH #473)