All offerings are scheduled on Sundays from 10-10:45 a.m.
Fall Stewardship Series:
Sept. 12: Stewardship of the Gospel: What are we called to do? >> Fellowship Room 4
Sept. 19: Stewardship: Community and hospitality >> Fellowship Room 4
Sept. 26: Stewardship of our gifts >> Fellowship Room 4
Oct. 3: Stewardship of tradition: interviews of adult members by COS youth >> Fellowship Room 4
Oct. 10: Stewardship of the inner life: interviews of adult members by COS youth >> Fellowship Room 4
Oct. 17: Stewardship of time; location TBA
Oct. 24: Stewardship of love; location TBA
Oct. 31: Stewardship of money: a presentation led by COS deacons; location TBA
Also offered each Sunday:
- Centering prayer and lectio divina – meditation on the sermon scripture >> Prayer Chapel
- Inductive Bible study on the book of Acts >> COS Living Room