On this first day of the liturgical New Year, and throughout Advent, we’ll be singing a Magnificat instead of the...
Liturgy Lesson: A New Hymnal?
Churches mark time with hymnals, their collective memory shaped by each new season of song. This summer a new era...
2012 Lessons & Carols
We gathered Sunday night to hear and sing the story of God’s love, from the garden to the manger. One...
David L. Ward wins the 2012 COS New Psalm Contest!
Church of the Servant is pleased to announce that David L. Ward’s setting of Psalm 90, “God of the Ages,”...
Liturgy Lesson: On Your Behalf
Attentive worshipers will have noticed that we have been using a variety of musical settings of the Lord’s Prayer throughout...
A Few Songs from November 4, 2012 (and one from 10/28)
It takes a little time to edit, but I try my best to keep this blog updated with recordings from...
A few songs from Oct 7 and 14
I just thought I’d post a few highlights from the last few weeks: Let Us, with a Gladsome Mind –...
September 9, 2012 worship service
Just a quick post with a few highlights from the 9/9 service: God Himself Is with Us – Check out...
Ministry Staff Report, September 2012
Church of the Servant has published its annual update from the ministry staff. To read it, download a PDF copy...
“Faith & Science: A Dialogue” Continues in October
How can we reconcile the creation accounts in Genesis with the findings of modern science? How can we engage in...
Song Request Sunday
Periodically, I like to dedicate a Sunday to taking requests from the congregation. This is not my way of living...
2012 COS New Psalm Contest
In an effort to encourage Psalm-singing, Church of the Servant invites congregational songwriters to submit a Psalm-based song to its...