This Sunday will be an exciting day, with visitors from the Calvin Worship Symposium, BES joining the service in the...
2014 Lessons & Carols service
2014 Lessons & Carols I was trying to describe to someone how Church of the Servant’s Lessons & Carols service...
COS Advent Schedule 2014
Advent and Christmas Services: November 30 8:30 & 11:00am Worship – Sanctuary Advent begins Isaiah 64:1-9; Mark 13:24-37 Rev....
2014 COS New Psalm Contest Winners
Church of the Servant is pleased to announce the co-winners of the 2014 New Psalm Contest: “Clean Heart” by Kimberly...
Worship Warmup 11/9/14
“Choose this day whom you will serve…as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15) Even...
Worship Warmup 11/02/14
This fall, Jack’s sermons have followed the Israelites’ from slavery, through the wilderness, and into the Promised Land. This has...
Worship Warmup 10/26/14
This Sunday is the premiere of a new liturgy at Church of the Servant. It’s part of an ongoing attempt...
10/12/14 Worship Warmup: The Golden Calf
When I was in high school, I worked as a dishwasher and short order cook at the Newport Creamery. (It’s...
Reflections of Sabbaticalized Minister of Worship
[reprinted from the COS staff newsletter] As many of you know, or noticed, I was on sabbatical this summer. Much...
Let Not Your Hearts Be Hardened
When Steven C. Warner composed a musical setting of Psalm 95 for his Notre Dame Folk Choir, he probably had no...
Worship warm up 9/28/14
Today’s scripture reminds me of a line from the Threepenny Opera: “Erst kommt das Fressen, dann kommt die Moral.” (First...
Worship Warmup 9/21/14
One of the beauties of Jack preaching the Old Testament lectionary passages is that it gives us a stronger sense...