Join us in the Café on March 27 at 10 am for our annual Easter Brunch. Please bring an egg...
Serve 2016
Summer Plans? Join us for ‘Serve 2016!’ July 9-16, Muskegon, MI. Youth completing grades 8-12 are invited to partner with...
Liturgical Dance
Join us for the Easter season dance. Dancers six-years-old and older may join us as we dance the sermon response...
ESL Spring Break
ESL will be on Spring Break during the first week of April. We will not have morning or evening classes...
Online Directory
Since our printed directory becomes quickly outdated, member Dave Brondsema has created an online directory. All members and regular attenders...
LINES: The Lived Experience of Race
The COS Anti-Racism Team is pleased to announce the play, LINES: THE LIVED EXPERIENCE OF RACE for Grand Rapids by...
The Annual COS Pinewood Derby- March 16
The whole church family is invited to celebrate the creativity of our Boys and Girls club participants and to cheer...
Holy Week Worship Services
March 20, 8:30 & 11am, Palm Sunday: The Palm Sunday worship service begins with a palm processional, after which we...
Parent and Youth Meeting
Please plan to attend one of the upcoming parent & youth meetings to talk about our vision for youth ministry...
New Member Classes
On April 10, 17 and 24, Church of the Servant will again offer New Member Classes. We invite newcomers to...
Applications for COS Higher Education Fund for Refugees
Applications for COS Higher Education Fund for Refugees are due March 15. With gratitude and thanksgiving to God, the fund...
Applying for Christian School Tuition Assistance
To Parents of Children in K-12 Christian Schools: If you are in need of financial assistance, act now; it is now...