Did You Know: COS Offers a New Members Class?

First, Why a class for new people? 

Church of the Servant is neither a megachurch nor a family-sized church [<100]. It can be hard to get to know folks when several hundred people make their way to morning worship on any given weekend. New Members class is a 4-week after-church commitment intended for folks interested in learning more about this particular congregation and our ministries. 

It’s also a great way to get to know other new people as well as a number of ministry leaders. The cohorts that have formed over the years often become friends along the way. 

Who is this class for? 

New Members classes are intended to serve people who are newer to COS, or folks who have been around but want to get to know more of the heartbeat of the congregation. There is zero pressure to join, but you’re welcome to “make things official” if you feel the Spirit’s leading. 

When is the next class? 

Fall 2024 dates are Sundays October 20th and 27th, and November 3rd and 10th. We’ll meet in the Living Room after Sunday morning worship at 11:45 am until around 12:30 pm.  

Spring dates are four Sundays in a row beginning April 27th. 

Is childcare provided?

Yes – at least most weeks. Our nursery will be open, and at least 3/4 of the weeks there will be Sunday School for students up to high school. 

What if I get hangry? 

Ben brings coffee and pastries to assist focus and remedy low blood sugar.

How can I sign up? 

Email Ben: ben.videtich@coscrc.org. He is approachable and can answer any further questions you may have.