All offerings are scheduled on Sundays from 10-10:45 a.m.

May 2, 9, 16, and 23:

  • Basic English Catechism class: “Our Faith” led by Barb Hampton >> ESL Room
  • Centering Prayer led by David Muyskens >> Prayer Chapel
  • Inductive Bible Study led by Beth Skillen >> COS Living Room
  • New Members Class (continuation of class that began April 11; concludes May 16) >> Fellowship Room 5

May 2: Peter Borgdorff, executive director emeritus of the CRC, will present information to help COS serve as a host church for the Uniting General Council, being held in Grand Rapids June 14-28. This gathering will launch the new World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), a merger of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC) and the Reformed Ecumenical Council (REC). >>Fellowship Room 4

May 9: COS member Anja Mast, owner of Trillium Haven Farms, shares the joy, passion, and responsibilities that come with owning and running a community sustainable agriculture (CSA) farm. Trillium Haven serves hundreds of families in the West Michigan community, as well as restaurants and farmers markets. >> Fellowship Room 4

May 16: COS member Nick Wolterstorff discusses the history of Christian schools. >> Fellowship Room 4

May 23: COS member Yuzo Adhinarta will present The Imminent Challenges Facing the Indonesian Churches Today. >> Fellowship Room 4