March 20, 8:30 & 11am, Palm Sunday: The Palm Sunday worship service begins with a palm processional, after which we will turn our focus toward Holy Week with a reading of the Passion narrative. The reading will include parts for congregation and will be interspersed with hymns. Meet in the Cafe 10 minutes before each service to pick up your palms and line up to process.
March 24, 7pm, Maundy Thursday, Sanctuary: We will celebrate Maundy Thursday with a Tenebrae service. This service will include readings from the Passion story and extinguishing of candles, symbolizing the betrayal and death of our Savior.
March 25, 12:15pm, Good Friday: A 45-minute service of prayer, meditation, and song, focusing on the end of Christ’s life, from the betrayal in the Garden through his burial.
March 27, Easter Sunday, 8:30 & 11:00, Sanctuary: Morning worship begins with a procession of flowers to dress the communion table. It is our custom at Church of the Servant to bring potted plants and flowers from our homes to process in and “dress” the communion table with them at the beginning of the Easter morning worship. We will gather our flowers and “dress” the tables for our celebrative Easter Brunch (10-11am) in the fellowship space. You are invited to participate in this tradition. Our BES friends will join us.
March 27, Easter Sunday, 6:00pm, Sanctuary: Evening worship will center around the testimonies of what resurrection means to Carol Harris, Dan Davis, and Nick Wolterstorff.