Understanding Church Overtures and Denominational Processes. As COS continues to participate in listening circles concerning the CRCNA Human Sexuality Report, several questions have emerged around the administrative specifics of church order in our denomination. To help make sense of things, the HSR task force has invited Bob Arbogast, Pastor of Celebration Fellowship CRC and Stated Clerk for Classis Grand Rapids East, to answer some of our questions about Synod. This Zoom presentation will take place at 11:45 am on February 6. We hope you’ll join as together we seek to understand better what happens between now and Synod and what, if any, role that individuals and church councils can play during that time.

Here are some recent overtures that may help in preparation for this presentation or following it:
Overture from Church of the Servant • Overture from Calvin CRC • Overture from Neland Ave. CRC 

About GPS at Church of the Servant: COS has a rich history of deep and meaningful adult education opportunities. Our Sunday Ed Sunday School has included times of story and testimony, theological discussions, lectures, and opportunities to share with each other about what God is doing in our lives.

GPS sessions have three stated goals:

Build community
Expand our view of God
Grapple with faith

Learn more, and view past GPS videos here.