The Finance Team at Church of the Servant draws your attention to several ways to give to the Church, including some options that may be less familiar to you.
Direct Mail Gifts:
Checks may be mailed to:
Church of the Servant
3835 Burton St. SE
Grand Rapids, MI
Qualified Charitable Distributions – For persons who are older than 70 ½ in a given calendar year, Qualified Charitable Distributions are a great tax-free way to donate to COS from an IRA or other pension fund. Jump to the bottom of the page to learn more about QCDs
Automated Clearing House (ACH) – Regular monthly withdrawals from our bank accounts, called ACH withdrawals, is another way, which many of our members already use. Maybe for more of us, this is a way we would like to offer regular support. Contact our Treasurer, AJ Zahrt, to set up an ACH.
Giving Online – Online giving is available directly on our web site. If you wish to donate now, please use our online giving portal.
Other forms of giving electronically – If you prefer to donate in another way, please check our other options including the Give+ Mobile app and giving via text.
If you are interested in pursuing a new way of giving, please contact AJ Zahrt.
More about QCDs:
QCDs are available to members with traditional IRAs that must take “required minimum distributions” (distributions beginning at age 70 ½). These members can make qualified charitable distributions directly from their IRA to the Church. These distributions–often referred to as QCDs–also provide a tax benefit to Church members, even if they don’t itemize their tax returns. A QCD is a direct transfer of your IRA funds to the Church, and all amounts transferred as a QCD do not count as taxable income.
In other words, members can select that their required minimum distributions (or a portion of those distributions) be paid directly to the Church as a QCD. This contribution will lower the member’s taxable income, resulting in a lower tax bill, which also satisfies the minimum distribution requirements. If you are interested in alternative giving strategies and are over the age of 72, you should talk to your financial advisors about whether a QCD strategy is right for you.