Did You Know? The Difference Between Our Facebook Page and Group

Did you know that Church of the Servant has both a Facebook Page and a Facebook Group? Each serves a different purpose, and here’s a quick guide to help you understand the difference.

Facebook Page: Public and Managed by COS Staff

Our Facebook Page is a public-facing account, where COS staff members post “official” announcements and updates for a wider audience. It’s a great place to see what’s happening at COS, share upcoming events, find COS photos and videos, and more. You can follow the page to stay updated, but keep in mind, it’s more of an informational platform than a space for personal sharing.

Facebook Group: Private and for the COS Community

The Facebook Group, on the other hand, is a private space, designed for members of our church community to share and connect. New members must request approval to join, ensuring that it remains a safe and intimate space for our congregation. The group is a great place for sharing prayer requests, alerting others to events, or simply sharing interesting things happening in the life of our community. It’s a way for members to stay connected with one another beyond Sunday mornings.

Remember: Facebook is Optional

While our Facebook accounts provide another access point for staying connected, no one is required to be on Facebook to stay informed. Our primary sources of communication are still the newsletter, bulletin, and church website, where you can always find up-to-date information about what’s happening at COS.

Whether you’re on Facebook or not, we’re committed to keeping everyone connected and informed!