Earth Friendly Habits from the Creation Care Team:

The holidays are here again! Such a special time of year. This year the Creation Care Team encourages you to think about how you can make this holiday season more sustainable and environmentally friendly. How can we reduce, reuse, and recycle? Here are some quick and simple ideas, from Jessica LeFebre, member of the Earth-Friendly Habits team of the CCT:

Reduce-reduce waste! This year we may not be gathering in big groups like we are used to, so this may be a good time to practice reducing waste. When gathering with your household or small family gatherings I challenge you to resist the urge to use disposable plates, cups, and cutlery. I know they save time with cleanup, but think about how much waste will be prevented if multiple households participate! Every little bit counts, how exciting to think of practical ways we can take care of our earth. However, if that idea seems too impractical for your situation, think about switching to something compostable instead of using plastic. 

Reuse-how can we reuse items around the holidays? Most grocery stores are still not allowing reusable bags. I have been requesting paper bags instead of plastic and save them to reuse as wrapping paper. Instead of using tape, tie it up with some twine, and instead of purchasing plastic bows I take clippings of pine and use that instead (another way to reduce!) This is a great way to reuse items, it’s very affordable, and looks festive!

Recycle-with so many packages being delivered and new toys being purchased the trash can pile up quickly. I encourage you to dispose of this responsibly and recycle what you can. Here is a link to the Kent county recycling guide so we know what can be recycled and what can not.

Merry Christmas, happy New Year, and have fun practicing sustainability!