We met at 5:30 am and loaded the vans. Finished, we gathered in the church to go over the travel plans, to sing “This is the Day” (a traditional way to start a D.R.S. day), and to begin our trip with a word of prayer. Thank you, Liju Philip, for leading us in our prayer before we began our trip.
Both vans can report quiet trips and sleepy riders, a benefit of starting out so early in the morning. Our first big stop was in Louisville, Kentucky where we had White Castle, many of us for the first time. It was a good opportunity for us to relieve our cramped legs, tend to our growling stomachs, and see, if only briefly, the home of the first ever Louisville Slugger baseball bat (admittedly more interesting to some than to others).
The remainder of the trip went as expected: van riders sharing their phone chargers, regular gas and rest stops, and a quick dinner in Brookwood, Alabama.
Finally, just shy of 11:30 pm, we made it to our new home (for the week) in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Exhausted, we unloaded our vans, got a quick tour of our new digs, and went promptly to bed, ready to begin our Sunday with church and preparations to begin our work.
Thank you for following along. Check back here often for more COS Intergenerational Work Trip updates.