Happening This Sunday
September 8, in the large worship space we will ordain our new office bearers for their term as elder and deacon.
The new elders are: Duane Heeringa, Hannah Kummer, Rhonda Mejeur, Margaret Mwenda, Nancy Pranger, and Bill Vriesema
The new deacons are: Kristin Lee, Carol Rienstra, Stacey Steen, Jon Vandervelde, and Marji Voetberg.
We also express our gratitude for the faithful service of those who have now concluded their 3 year term as council members: Claudia Beversluis, Larry Borst, Jonathan Bradford, Paul Brink, Dan Brower, Natalia Connelly, Jamie Jang, Liju Philip, Mark Stinton, Kristen Verhulst, and Joel Westmaas
The new season of Children and Worship and Little Lambs begins today, Sept. 8! We will welcome 2 ½year-olds through second graders to come forward to receive a blessing, then send them to continue worship in the children’s wing.
Next Sunday
The Schoofs will be sharing about their missionary work in Chad here at COS next Sunday, September 15. A light lunch will be served in the youth room at 12:30. Immediately following the lunch, the Schoofs will be presenting about their work. They’ll be sharing for about 30 minutes and then will have a question and answer session. There will even be clothes to try on from Chad. Bring your family!
Sept. 15 & 22 Tables and Tours
9am & 11:30am on September 15 – Guided tours of COS. Have you ever seen the Youth Room? Do you know where the COS Food Pantry is located? Why is there a tree in the center of the large worship space? Where do ESL students check in? Chances are you know some details of our COS ministries and history, but not all. We invite you take a guided tour around our church to learn more.
9am & 11:30am on September 15 & 22– Tables highlighting different ministries of COS will be in our café and fellowship space, inviting you to learn more about these ministries and consider ways your gifts could be put to use at COS.
Church News
Still needed- Additional drivers and substitute drivers of (6 passenger) minivans to be on a schedule to pick up our new American families and bring them to the BES worship on Sunday morning at 10am.
Our giving for this week totaled $10,725.52 (with weekly online giving). Our current total general fund giving for the month of September is $10,725.52.
The ARTery is Back! Come tomorrow, Monday, September 9 @ 7pm for our next gallery opening event, featuring COS member and architect, Jim VanderMolen. The event is free with a suggested donation of $5/person. The evening will feature a conversation with Jim, live music, and a chance to peruse the gallery over appetizers and wine. Please join us for this wonderful opportunity to experience art in community! RSVPs on our COS facebook event page are appreciated.
Seniors! Save the date, Monday, September 23, 10:00 a.m — more information to come soon!
Parents of children nursery – high school: September is REGISTRATION MONTH! We want to make sure your child feels safe and cared for by staff and members of COS. Look for forms and links that will allow us to gather key information about your child(ren) beginning soon! Official programming (i.e. Sunday school, Wednesday night programming, youth group, etc.) begins in October. Submitting this information in September will allow us to warmly welcome your child(ren) to our ministries in October.
Registration is open for the October 10-12 and 24-26 Understanding Racism Workshops. This workshop experience is designed to explore the deep racial complexity of the United States and begin to explore paths for reconciliation. Our goal is to gain insight in understanding systemic racism through the eyes of faith and Scripture.
We encourage all leaders and members at Church of the Servant to attend one of these workshops. This effort helps us to become focused and work together to address one of our country’s greatest troubles. Register online at CORRnow.org.
Calling all Friends of New Americans! Please join members of the Refugee Support Team at the COS Ministries Fair, to be held in the Cafe area starting at 9am on Sunday the 15th. We will offer information, inspiration and an invitation to people who want to get (more) involved in supporting our refugee and immigrant friends. Also, you will be able to sign up for a Friends of New Americans Lunch which will be held after the morning service on Sunday, Sept. 22nd. Questions? Contact Troy Bierma, Resident Outreach Pastor, 956-7611.
Planned Giving Information Sessions: The Stewardship Team will be providing two educational events about planned giving opportunities on September 18 and September 25. The events will be led by Stewardship Team member Michael Zahrt. Michael is an estate planning attorney with Foster, Swift, Collins & Smith PC who specializes in income tax management. Both events begin at 7pm. Refreshments will be provided.
The topic for the September 18 event is “Planned Giving Through Estate Planning,” which provides an overview of essential estate planning documents, the difference between a will and a trust, and how to give to COS through your estate plan. The Stewardship Team will also introduce our new Trustees of Planned Giving, who are available to meet with COS members privately to discuss how to achieve their charitable goals.
The topic for the September 25 event is “Planned Giving Through Your Retirement Plan.” This session will discuss Qualified Charitable Distributions, which will be important information for anyone at or approaching age 70½ with a retirement plan. The Stewardship Team will also discuss how you can use your retirement plan to leave a legacy gift to COS.