Gathering Season, November 7, 2021

This Sunday:

This Sunday, in indoor worship at COS, Ruth Padilla DeBorst will preach from Jeremiah 29 and Philippians 4:4-9 in the standard English service. Jim Padilla DeBorst will preach from Jeremiah 29 Philippians 4:4-9 in the Basic English Service in Room 5.

Following the morning services: Ruth and Jim Padilla DeBorst, our missionaries in Costa Rica (and beyond), will be hosting a reception and informational gathering in Room 3 after the morning worship and coffee.

This First Sunday of the month is also when we traditionally hold our all-church meal. Due to the high positivity rate of COVID in Kent Co, the COVID team is not allowing eating or drinking inside the building. Therefore, Today’s lunch will be served to-go. Containers are available, but please bring containers if you are able.

College Students: You’re invited to gather in the ‘Living Room’ following worship this week. (The Living Room is located between the main entrance and the back of the large worship space.)  We will spend a little time in this warm, comfortable space getting to know each other and getting to know some members of COS before we head outdoors to eat lunch together—and this is a lunch you won’t want to miss!  Our church cook, Ellen, is serving up some of her famous nasi ghoreng—an Indonesian dish that will keep you warm as we gather under patio heaters outdoors and continue our conversations.  If you have questions or want to speak with a member of COS, please contact Jay Ediger, COS College Ministry Coordinator, or Annette Ediger, Minister of Faith Formation.

We invite you to sign up to attend the morning service. Please note on the sign up that masking is now required for those over 2 years old. The 10 am service will also be live via Zoom. Sign up for our Newsletter to receive the Zoom links.

Children’s Ministry News:

Clubs Meet This Sunday, 11:45am-12:30pm! Please plan to stay after church this Sunday for clubs for kids ages 4-middle school (and nursery for children 3 and under). Kids ages 4 through 6th grade will on the patio near door F at 11:45am—please remember to help your kids dress for the weather as 2nd-6th grader in Girls and Boys clubs will be OUTSIDE again this week finishing up orienteering! Granola bars will be available for kids and leaders at the club check in area near door F. Please encourage your kids to eat a snack outside (no indoor eating is allowed) and use the restroom before clubs begin. Plan to pick them up from the back patio at 12:30pm! While your kids are in clubs, don’t forget to grab your to-go lunch from the café (please bring a container to reduce waste) and consider joining the missionary presentation from the Pedilla DeBorsts in the open room near the Café.

Brrrrrr, Bundle Kids Up for Outdoor Singing on Sundays! Our 2 ½ – 2nd Graders have been singing along with the Little Lambs Jam Band outside before heading to the children’s wing. We’d love to continue singing even though it’s getting cold. So please encourage your children to bring a coat when are blessed and sent to continue worship in the children’s wing! If you are leading in our children’s wing, please bring your coat too!

Collecting Outgrown Kids and Teen Coats, Snow Pants, Boots, Hats, and Gloves! Cold weather is coming, but our club ministries don’t want to be stuck inside during the winter months. So we’re collecting outgrown winter gear to distribute as needed when we have outings like last year’s sledding meetup, or snow activities on the patio. Coats, gloves, and boots are the most important items needed. If you have winter gear your kids have outgrown, please wash it and bring it to church for others to use! Look for a bin at the entrance of the children’s wing for collecting these outgrown cold-weather treasures! These items will be washed between uses, or sent home with kids who need them. * Please note there is also a glove, hat, and scarf drive happening for our neighbors in Camelot, so you’ll see a basket at the entrance of church for collecting those newer items there. If possible, please donate to both!

Church News:

Last week’s offering and online giving:  $6,300.73

Estimated Giving for the month of October: $103,092

Monthly budgeted General Fund Giving is:  $118,873

Social Seniors continues to meet on Tuesdays at 10:00 via Zoom. All are welcome. For more information check our website or call Corrie Vos at 616-558-6634

The Thursday Bible Study continues to meet. We meet Thursdays in the COS cafe area, 9:30 – 11:00 am. This fall, we will be exploring Ecclesiastes. Our focus this week, November 11, is Eccles. 8:2-17 “How Shall We Live Under Authority?”You may pick up a study guide when you come on Thursday. If you need childcare, please contact Mary Loeks. Please wear a mask. EVERYONE IS WELCOME!

Last Call for Help!  Monday (November 8) is the day of our blood drive here. Many of our appointment slots have been taken, but we want to fill all of them! The present blood inventory at Versiti is at its lowest level ever, and no amount of money can change that. It’s up to volunteers who donate some of their time and the gift of life-saving blood. Can you help meet that need? Here is a direct link to our schedule if you are willing. Please call Ruth Huisman (616-337-9763) with any questions. Thank you!

Gail and Ken Heffner have been invited to plan and lead an Interest Group of COS members and friends through a study of reconciliation in divided societies with a particular focus on Northern Ireland. This Interest Group will examine the religious roots of the conflict in Northern Ireland particularly during the past half-century as well as the reconciliation work that is occurring in the last several decades. The theological differences and the political, social, and economic factors which led to the Protestant-Catholic conflict will be explored. What lessons can be learned from the Northern Ireland experience? How has reconciliation unfolded in Northern Ireland and what role has the Christian community played? Particular attention is given to the contribution art, poetry, and popular music have played in fostering reconciliation and forgiveness. The group will meet monthly beginning in January 2022 for preparation and learning that will culminate in a 10-day trip to Northern Ireland in June 2022 where participants will be able to experience and learn about reconciliation and justice from pastors, artists, and community leaders in Northern Ireland. Stepping out of our own comfort zones and experiencing another culture can offer insights and perspectives that can be transformative in our own settings.  An informational session is planned for Nov. 14 in the COS Living Room following the morning worship service. For more information, see this link on the COS Website or contact the Heffners.

Are you ready to get your finances under control, save, AND set yourself up for an abundant financial future? Do you want to stop living paycheck-to-paycheck and get going on your short- and long-term financial goals? Whether you’re new to managing your finances or need a refresher to get back on track, success is all about wise money management. So…join Project GREEN for “the Money Talk!” Workshop on Saturday, November 13, in person at Coit Community Church, 600 Lafayette NE, or online/Zoom. This flagship, one-day workshop teaches the foundational personal finance strategies you’ll need to Know Your Green, Save Your Green, and Grow Your Green – all in a welcoming, conversational atmosphere! Sign up here: Registration is required, and the $10 registration deposit is refundable upon attendance.

Winter is Coming… Our annual collections of newly knitted or bought children’s hats, gloves and socks will be starting with a big Basket by the front entrance on Sunday, November 14. We will distribute the items at the Food Truck on Dec 4 and on Jan 8 and we will give the remaining to Ridge Park school and at our ESL classes. Thank you for your faithful annual support with this important ministry!

Oak Hill Cemetery Tour – Saturday, November 27, 10am—12pm. The Classis Grand Rapids East’s Racial Justice Team invites you to join a tour of Oak Hill Cemetery (647 Hall Street SE) to learn more about early African Americans and racism in Grand Rapids’ history. The tour is two hours long, so wear walking shoes (or boots). Meet and park on the north side of Hall Street, by the small office building.You can sign up for a tour by filling out the form on