Pentecost Season, June 19, 2022

This Sunday:

This Sunday, June 19, Rev. Jack Roeda will preach from Luke 8:26-39 and Galatians 3:23-29. Rev. Andrew Mead will preach from Galatians 3:23-29 in BES.

Service of Prayer and Communion: Sunday at 6 pm:

This past week the CRC Synod recommended the Human Sexuality Report to congregations as a useful summary of biblical teaching on sexuality. They also declared the Report’s interpretation as confessional. Neland Ave. CRC and Classis GR East – our Classis – have been formally reprimanded. Neland is instructed to immediately remove from office their deacon who is in a same-sex marriage.

This news touches all of us at COS and leaves large questions ahead for our discernment as a congregation. For some of us, this news is especially weighty, even wounding. This Sunday evening (June 19) at 6pm, all are welcome to gather for a service of prayer and communion. We will gather as a body united in Christ, to bring our laments and our concerns to the Lord in prayer and song.

Please pray also for Council who meet this Thursday (June 23) as we discern God’s leading in view of this news.

The 10 am SES service will be streamed via Zoom.

Sign up for our Newsletter to receive the Zoom links.

Children’s Ministry News:

Summer Wednesdays 6-8pm

Picnic on the Patio: A Meal for Everyone, Clubs for Big Kids! We’re trying something new this summer—bring your whole family out for a simple meal on the back patio as we “Picnic on the Patio” on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Wednesday nights this summer. After dinner 2nd graders through high schoolers will enjoy Girls Club, Boys Club, Wednesday Night Live, and Youth Group activities while you stay for conversation as the little ones play in the yard, or head home and come back to pick up the big kids at 8pm. We hope these Wednesdays will be a chance to build friendships at COS, invite someone new along, and slow down for a mid-week meal together. Since this programming happens after the school year, but before we usually kick off the new season of ministry in the fall, kids who are on the cusp of transitioning to a new group are welcome to decide whether they’ll remain in their current club, or begin attending the group they’ll be part of in the fall.

Church News:

Estimated Giving for the month of June: $55,532

Giving for the month of May: $117,161

Monthly budgeted General Fund Giving is:  $118,873

Summer Schedule for Social Seniors: We are meeting every other Tuesday morning at 10:00 AM over the summer, via Zoom. Meeting dates are June 21, July 12, July 26, August 9, August 23, and September 13. All persons interested in casual visiting, sharing spiritual encouragement, and praying for one another and for our church are welcome. For more information, contact Corrie Vos.

Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 832 6366 9013

Passcode: COS

JUNETEENTH – The COS Anti-Racism Team encourages all to observe Juneteenth in appropriate ways next weekend –June 19th, but the official holiday is celebrated on Monday the 20th this year. See the COS Anti-Racism webpage for more info about Juneteenth… see a piece on Juneteenth written by Cindy VandeKodde  and also find the link to a new short “documentary” about the history of Juneteenth. Check local media for various Juneteenth events, notably the Justice 4 All Juneteenth Jam at Rosa Parks Circle the afternoon of Sunday, June 19th –including vendors, food and celebrations.

Job Opening: All Nations Worship Coordinator. Position summary: To cultivate, empower, and sustain a multicultural, multilingual worshipping community. The All Nations Worship Coordinator will work as part of a team consisting of Co-Pastor Andrew, Co-Pastor Karen, All Nations music teams, the All Nations Music Assistant, and the SES Worship Coordinator. A key component for cultivating multicultural worship will be building relationships across a variety of cultures. Find the full job description and information on applying here.

Congregational Meeting – June 26 – This meeting will be brief and will occur immediately after the morning worship services on June 26. Council will present two motions for the congregation to vote to 1) authorize the purchase of the “Welcome Home” and 2) refinance the church mortgage. Pay attention to next week’s announcements for more details on this brief meeting.