This Week:

On this Pentecost Season Sunday, Rev. Len Vander Zee will preach from Isaiah 55:6-11 and Matthew 13:1-9,16-23 in the standard English service in the large worship space. Makema Lwenge will preach from Matthew 13:1-9, 16-23 in the All Nations Worship Service in Room 4.

The 10 am SES service will also be broadcast via Zoom. Sign up for our Newsletter to receive the Zoom links.   

Church News:

COS pastoral staff are out of town this weekend. If any pastoral concerns arise, please contact your parish care team (see pages 5-6 of the directory). Pastor Len Vander Zee is also available (616-808-7825).

Next week July 10-14, Ben Videtich is available if needs arise (231-349-1328).

Current Giving for July: $13,266

June 2023 Giving: $78,991

June 2022 Giving: 80,926

June 2021 Giving: 88,359

Monthly budgeted General Fund Giving is:  $120,551

The current General Fund deficit is $19,516.

Forgiveness of debt stands at the center of the biblical concept of jubilee. As we wrap up the celebration of our 50th anniversary—our jubilee year—at Church of the Servant, we had a special offering to financially burdened are residents through medical debt forgiveness—for pennies on the dollar. We raised over $11,000 which will allow us to forgive approximately a million dollars in medical debt for our community. Thank you for joining us in this project!

Friendship ESL, from Mark Fackler: “High school and university scholars… international teaching opportunity… oh, right, they come to us, you welcome them here. Friendship ESL at COS invites you and your team (2-3 people) to teach English to newcomers, Tuesday or Thursday evenings beginning September 12. Besides friends and fun, here’s what happens to you. At the end of the fall term, you receive such a letter of commendation that your first-choice college or premier-choice grad school is gonna just love on you. You’re in. Better than straight As in math.  We have the lesson plans.  We have the white boards.  You be the rock star. Text or call Mark (ESL coordinator)” 

Camelot Block Party – Saturday, July 29 from 11:00a-1:30pm, we will join with other churches in our community and Ridge Park Charter School to host an annual Camelot Park Block Party. At this event, we give away backpacks to the students, along with food, music, and activities. If you are available to help with this event, contact the church office.

26 Years and counting….  We’ve now hosted blood drives at our church for 26 years, and hundreds of people have benefitted from the generosity of our donors. Blood donation literally is lifesaving. Will you consider making an appointment to donate at our upcoming drive on Monday, July 31, 2-7pm? If you are over 17 and healthy, we need you! Cancer patients, trauma victims, premature babies, people with anemia, surgery patients…all these and more depend on the goodwill of the 3-4% of the general population who donate blood. In a medical emergency, often the most important element is the availability of blood. Share your gift of life. It may be the single most important donation you ever make. Sign up at the Versiti online schedule:  Questions? Please contact Beth Karanicola or Ruth Huisman, drive co-chairs.

The Artery welcomes Jay Foy for the months of July and August. Jay worships in the All Nations service. Jay says, “I truly believe that art has the power to inspire and uplift the human spirit.” Come meet Jay at a reception on July 13 Thursday from 7:00-9:00 in the Artery. Jay is a man of many artistic talents. He teaches break dancing and has a large following.

The COS Human Resources Team is looking for some additional members. The Team meets a few times a year to review policies, job descriptions, and review budgetary items which pertain to staff. If you are interested in participating on the HR Team, contact Corrie Vos, chair.

Congregational Meeting Schedule

  • Sunday, July 30 following the service in the SES worship space, the Finance Team will host a 2023-24 Budget Q&A.
  • Sunday, August 6 following the service in the SES worship space, we will have the annual Congregational Meeting for voting on the 2023-24 Budget and Council Officer Bearers.
  • Sunday, August 13 – Council Officer Bearers Installation

CORE: COS has embraced and led antiracism work for over 25 years. CORE (Communities Organizing for Racial Equity) is a non-profit that has emerged out of this continued effort. CORE is a group of Christ followers who work to empower and equip organizations, congregations, and communities to organize and disciple their members to become agents of institution and individual racial reconciliation.

CORE has two more workshops planned for 2023, both offered here at COS. The first one is a 2-day workshop on August 10 and 11 from 8:30am-5pm each day. The second one will be a traditional in-person 2.5-day workshop, November 2-4. (Thursday evening, all day Friday and Saturday). The longer one allows us to build a deeper working and listening relationship between the attendees.   

These Understanding Racism workshops welcome everyone in our congregation. Our Council has recently made a commitment to attend a workshop. It is the hope and prayer of our COS Antiracism team that all COS people continue in this work of understanding what God-led antiracism looks like. Our times are always fraught with racial tension. As Christ followers, joining in the ongoing task of dismantling racism, we can do good work together.

Registration costs are covered by our COS budget. Prayerfully consider attending or coming back for a refresher. Register at   

Job Openings:

Position: Sunday Facilities Coordinator

Hours: 5-6 hours a week

Position: Facilities Coordinator

Hours: 15 hours a week