Pentecost Season, July 17, 2022

This Sunday:

This Sunday, July 17, Anne Zaki will preach from Genesis 18:1-10 and Colossians 1:15-28 in the large service. Talisha McCullough will preach in the All Nations Worship Service in Room 4.

The 10 am large service will be streamed via Zoom.

Sign up for our Newsletter to receive the Zoom links.

Children’s Ministry:

New Opportunity to Serve: Check-in Volunteers Needed!

Our new kiosk system is self-directed, with parents using their passcode to sign their kids in and receive their nametags and pick up tickets. But Jo would like to make sure there is at least one volunteer available each Sunday to help greet families warmly, retrieve forgotten passwords, encourage families to use nursery kiosk if the front door kiosk is in use, and explain how the system works to families who are visiting or using it for the first time. If you enjoy greeting people and have a knack for technology, this role is for you! You’d be serving from 9:45am-10:10am and/or 10:15-10:25am (when children are dismissed from the service) once every 6 weeks. Please contact Jolanda at to join the team!

Church News:

Current Giving for the month of July: $19,246

Estimated Giving for the month of June: $80,926

June 2021 Giving: $88,359

The COS Treasurer is looking for volunteers to assist weekly with counting and recording the Sunday deposit. This can be completed by the Monday or Tuesday following Sunday service. You do not need an accounting background to assist. One or two people could share this role as well. The primary job is to ensure all checks and donations are entered into donor software. Please contact Angelica Zahrt by email or by phone 616-956-7611 x 29 if you are interested in helping in this important ministry of COS. 

Summer Schedule for Social Seniors: We are meeting every other Tuesday morning at 10:00 AM over the summer, via Zoom. Meeting dates are July 26, August 9, August 23, and September 13. All persons interested in casual visiting, sharing spiritual encouragement, and praying for one another and for our church are welcome. For more information, contact Corrie Vos.

Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 832 6366 9013

Passcode: COS

Job Opening: All Nations Worship Coordinator. Position summary: To cultivate, empower, and sustain a multicultural, multilingual worshipping community. The All Nations Worship Coordinator will work as part of a team consisting of Co-Pastor Andrew, Co-Pastor Karen, All Nations music teams, the All Nations Music Assistant, and the SES Worship Coordinator. A key component for cultivating multicultural worship will be building relationships across a variety of cultures. Find the full job description and information on applying here.

25 Years and counting….  We’ve now hosted blood drives at our church for 25 years, and hundreds of people have benefitted from the generosity of our donors. Blood donation literally is life-saving. Will you consider making an appointment to donate at our upcoming drive on Monday, August 1, 2-7pm? If you are over 17 and healthy, we need you! Cancer patients, trauma victims, premature babies, people with anemia, surgery patients…all these and more depend on the goodwill of the 3-4% of the general population who donate blood. In a medical emergency, often the most important element is the availability of blood. Share your gift of life. It may be the single most important donation you ever make. Sign up at the Versiti online schedule:  Questions? Please contact Beth Karanicola or Ruth Huisman, drive co-chairs.

Apartment needed: A new senior research fellow at Calvin University’s Paul Henry Institute is seeking an apartment within walking distance of the campus for late August through at least May 2023. If you have a place to rent or know of a neighborhood opportunity, please jot an email to Kurt Schaefer at .

Artery: Plan to meet the current Artery artist Ellie Harold on Sunday, July 31 after the morning worship service is over. She will speak briefly about her artwork and answer questions. Ellie will also be available in the Artery afterward for conversations about her art. Light refreshments will be served in the artery space. If you haven’t seen it yet, be sure to walk down the Artery and enjoy each one.

Position Opening – All Nations Worship Coordinator

Compensation:​ 30 hours/week starting at $26/hour with benefits

Reports to:​ Executive Team of Council

Summary of Position:

The church administrator coordinates the key administrative functions of the Church of the Servant (COS). Accountable to the COS executive team, supported by the spiritual disciplines of reading the Bible and prayer, and with a collaborative spirit, the Church Administrator assures the timely coordination of the key operational functions of the church toward the fulfillment of the church’s vision and mission. Find the complete job description on the COS website.

50th anniversary Celebration. This year, Church of the Servant is blessed to celebrate its 50-year anniversary. In anticipation of this milestone, we encourage you to save Sept. 17-18 for our anniversary celebration. We will hold a celebration on Saturday, Sept. 17 from 4:30-8 pm at COS. The evening will include dinner as well as programming that looks back at our 50 years as a congregation and looks forward to God’s future of the church.

On Sunday, Sept. 18, we will gather for worship at 10 am followed by an all-church meal outside. More details and formal invitations will follow. For now, we encourage you to save the dates as we look forward to celebrating with our COS friends.