Happening Today

Sunday, January 5 at 9 am we’ll have Intergenerational Sunday School. Then our worship time will be a Prism service with SES and BES brothers and sisters worshiping in the large sanctuary. Join us after the service to celebrate/mourn the retirement of our Minister of Congregational Life, Chris Klein. After more than three years of working here and raising his family and attempting to finish his Ph.D., he has decided that it’s time to buckle down and get that degree done. Come join us in the café to give your thanks to Chris for the fine work he has done here at COS. There will be NO noon meal.

Next Sunday

Epiphany season will begin next Sunday, January 12 and runs through February 23.  Join the liturgical dancers for Epiphany season. We will dance the opening song “Christ Be Our Light”. Rehearsals will be held this Thursday, January 9 at 7 PM and Saturday, January 11 at 10 AM. Only one is required, but you are always welcome to attend both. New dancers are ALWAYS welcome! If you have any questions, contact Julie Yonkers at julie.yonkers@sbcglobal.net or 901-4835.

During the month of January, GPS will explore issues of disability and the church. On January 12, Dr. Tom Hoeksema, a retired professor of education at Calvin University, will join us to share thoughts about the biblical issues related to disability. Prof. Hoeksema pioneered the field of special education at Calvin and has deep passion for addressing the needs of those with both physical and intellectual disabilities.  On January 19, Dr. Kevin Timpe, COS member and professor of philosophy at Calvin University, will present on theological issues related to disability and community. Finally on, January 26, Kevin will lead a panel of other COS members in a discussion of this topic, including any questions that have arisen during this series.


Sunday school reminder: Sunday, Jan. 5, is IGSS at 9 am in the café area.   Normal Sunday school classes resume next Sunday, Jan. 12.

Church News

January Gallery Opening Event with Featured Artist Matt Plescher – Mark your calendars for Monday, Jan. 13 @ 7 pm for our next gallery opening event featuring COS member, painter, and lettering artist Matt Plescher. His new series—”Codex”—explores the mystery of ancient scripture hand-lettered onto canvas, layered over by paint, and lettered over again. The resulting layers of texture and text combine to create both an ancient and contemporary feel. The event is free with a suggested donation of $5/person. The evening will feature a conversation with the artist, live music, and a chance to peruse the gallery over appetizers. RSVPs on our COS facebook event page are appreciated!

Wednesday night supper and clubs resume this Wednesday. Please consider signing up for set-up, serving, and clean-up.  If you are willing/able to help on any one or more of the supper/club nights in January or February, please sign up in the café area or email Lori Wiersma lori.wiersma@coscrc.org or the church office diane.jonker@coscrc.org  The dates are January 8, 15, & 22, and February 4, 11, & 18. 

The January –May 2020 schedule for coffee serving, communion elements, and nursery is in church mailboxes. If you are scheduled to serve in January, you should have received an email to inform you. Please check your mailbox and make a note of the date you are scheduled to serve. (If you didn’t receive a schedule, you have not been scheduled this time around.) Thanks to everyone for helping to keep things running smoothly at COS!

Financial Update: Total offerings received in the month of December $178,087.63. Prior year total contributions received for the month of December $230,435.37. Our monthly General Fund budget is $119,028.

Giving budget boxes will be in your mailbox by next Sunday.

If you would have not yet submitted your 2020 pledge form and would like to do so, you may place it in the box in the café area.

Beginning this Thursday, January 9, 10 am-11:30 am, the ESL Women’s Bible study will host six weekly sessions on marriage.  Our last meeting will be Feb. 13. All women of the church are invited, but especially Basic English Service women, as we will try to have a global view of this important subject.  We will use the Timothy and Kathy Keller “The Meaning of Marriage” DVDs and study guide. Child care is provided.  If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Hampton.