Christmastide, Sunday, January 3, 2021

On the first Sunday in 2021, we will continue to worship using our zoom format, individually, but still as one body, united in Christ. This Sunday, January 3, Rev. Todd Cioffi will bring us a message based on the scriptures of Psalm 147:12-20 & John 1:1-18.

Church News 

“Darkness deserves gratitude. It is the alleluia point at which we realize that all growth does not take place in the sunlight” – Joan Chittister

Many of us are aware, now more than ever, that we are living in difficult times, “dark times.” We may be asking, “Where is God? What am I supposed to do with my feelings? I know the scriptures say rejoice always, but what if I don’t feel like it?”

Every Wednesday evening in January via Zoom, we will spend a half hour (7:30 – 8:00pm) in guided meditation using scripture, poetry, silence and journaling to consider the growth that is happening in the dark. COS member and spiritual director, Andrea Le Roy, will facilitate this time together. We hope to you’ll join us on January 6. Please watch for the Zoom link.

Financial Update: Last week’s offering and online giving:  $49,814

Current Giving for the month of December: $147,314

Monthly General Fund Budget:  $112,926

Giving envelopes —There will be a cart outside the Church of the Servant main doors next week where you will be able to pick up your 2021 giving envelopes.

Pledges: As of midweek, we have 145 pledges for $735,878. The average is still high, which is encouraging, but last year we had 163 pledges, and the previous year 205. There is still time for you to make your pledge. Thank you from the Stewardship Team.

A new way to sign up as a volunteer to read scripture! Instead of staff sending out emails (or signing up on the clip board in the café,) we’re trying something new. If you would like to read scripture on Sunday morning, go to Signup Genius to sign up to read any Sunday.  Click here to sign up from January 10 through the end of May. .

Calling all Friends of New Americans (FNA) at COS (including folks who would like to become a FNA)! We are expecting an increase in refugee arrivals in the US after the new year, as travel bans are slowly lifted and the Biden administration takes steps to increase the authorized number of total admissions. Bethany Christian Services, our partner agency in refugee resettlement, has advised that COS will be called on to help welcome and integrate more new families in GR in 2021. In an effort to expand the number of volunteers and strengthen our church’s response to this need, we expect to schedule and host some information and training sessions starting in January. Watch this space for more news, or contact Joel Westmaas at joel_westmaas@ if you want to get involved right away.