Lent, February 26, 2023

This Week:

On this first Sunday of Lent, Rev. Karen Campbell will preach from Isaiah 41:17-20 and 1 Corinthians 3:1-9 in the larger worship service. Makema Lwenge will preach from Deuteronomy 8:2-6 in the All Nations Worship Service in Room 4.

Following the worship services, we invite you to stay for Sunday school for all ages. Our adult education class, God’s People Seeking, concludes its 2-part series on “Racism and Policing in America.” This session examines the structural context of policing in Grand Rapids specifically. GPS meets in Room 4 this Sunday.

Welcome to the Table: Children at the Lord’s Supper Class, Feb. 26 from 11:45 am-12:45 pm in the Living Room.  In this class, a parent(s) or caregiver attends with their child to help them understand the significance of the Lord’s supper and its connection to baptism.

The 10 am large sanctuary service will also be broadcast via Zoom. Sign up for our Newsletter to receive the Zoom links.   

Children’s Ministry News:

The Winter/Spring season dates for Wednesday Night activities are March 1, 8, 15, and April 12 and 19. Families with children in 2nd-6th grade, please plan to stay to watch your kids race their pinewood derby cars on April 19!

Welcome to the Table: Children at the Lord’s Supper Class, Feb. 26 from 11:45am-12:45pm. In this class a parent(s) or caregiver attends with their child to help them understand the significance of the Lord’s supper and its connection to baptism. For some children this class will prepare them to participate in the Lord’s supper and serve as an invitation to the table. For children already participating in the Lord’s supper, it will deepen their understanding of the sacraments and sense of belonging in the body of Christ. If you’re interested in this class, please let us know you’ll be attending by sending a note to jo.howe@coscrc.org.

Church News:

Current Giving for the Month of February: $58,696

January 2023 Giving: $122,071

Monthly budgeted General Fund Giving is:  $118,873

We received notification from the giving envelope company our order has again been delayed to possibly mid-March. If you would like to receive temporary giving envelopes for the interim, contact AJ Zahrt or the church office.

ESL and Thursday Morning Bible studies have ongoing childcare needs each Thursday morning this Spring. The time frame is 9:15 – 11:45 for a total of 2.5 hours. Are you someone who is willing and able to care for a few young children in the COS nursery? Or do you know someone who could do well in this caring role? If so, please contact ben.videtich@coscrc.org. Thanks! 

Saved a life lately? That’s what blood donation does…saves lives! And that’s why ordinary people like you donate blood. It’s not because they love to get poked with a needle…not because they have more time than they know what to do with…not because they get paid big bucks. It’s because blood cannot be manufactured, and it’s a gift of life from one person to another who needs it. We are hosting a blood drive here in two weeks – Monday, March 13, from 2-7pm. Consider joining with those that share life. You can sign up for an appointment here. Any questions? Contact Ruth Huisman. Thank you!

Are you curious about microchurches? Excited about how they could be part of your church’s missional vision? Join the GR Church Planting Collaborative (affiliated with our classis) as we explore what microchurches are, how they are developing throughout North America and the CRCNA, and as we imagine together how microchurches might be part of our missional vision.  Tuesday, March 14; 8:30 continental breakfast, 9:30-1:00 speakers, forums, conversation groups; at the West Michigan Friendship Center (3665 29th St SE #1811, Kentwood, MI 49512); lunch included. Event is free, but does require RSVP to aschenkel@crcna.org. Any questions, ask Pastor Andrew.

A gentleman connected to our congregation arrived in the United States in early January to join his wife who has been here for a number of years. They do not have a vehicle so he is looking to purchase a used car for around $3,000. If you or someone you know has a car they might consider selling, please contact Pastor Andrew (andrew.mead@coscrc.org).

The COS Anti-Racism Team invites the congregation to follow a prayer guide for the month of February that can be found here on the COS website. Daily prayers will be posted on the COS Facebook group.

Welcome Home Co-sponsorship update: The Albaz family, including seven Syrian adults, is a gracious family that arrived on January 16. They are adjusting well and express appreciation for a most-comfortable home where they feel safe. Welcome Team members, as well as others from COS, are enjoying the opportunity to get to know this lovely family while providing support and friendship. Google Translate is a helpful resource in overcoming language barriers. They are attending COS ESL classes.  Although some are eager to get jobs, the goal is to not pursue employment until they have around three months to learn some English. In the meantime, Bethany’s refugee resettlement programs provide adequate financial benefits. Snow was a new experience for them; they were delighted to learn that several COS members noticed their first snowman. 

One request: We have received a donated computer but need a monitor. Please contact Wilma Huyser if you have a monitor to donate (Stephanie Bogema, RST chairperson; Wilma Huyser, Welcome Team Leader.)

CORE (Communities Organizing for Racial Equity) will offer an understanding racism workshop here at COS on March 9-11 (Thursday evening, all day Friday and Saturday). These Understanding Racism workshops are designed for our local congregations and Christian organizations.  We hope and pray that COS people continue in this work of understanding racism, to deepen our insight as to what God-led antiracism looks like. Registration costs are covered by our COS budget. Please prayerfully consider attending or coming back for a refresher. Register at COREnow.org

Meijer Simply Give: COS has been awarded another campaign to support our in-house Food Pantry. The double-match days will be on March 4 and 25. This is where your $10.00 purchase of the Simply Give gift card will give COS $30.00 in Meijer gift cards to be used to purchase food items from Meijer for our pantry. For those who want Ellen Westrate, Food Coordinator, to purchase the Simply Give cards at the Cascade Meijer only on those days, please give your money or a check to COS in an envelope to Ellen Westrate labeled “Simply Give.”

Save the date! COS Dinner Auction Fundraiser: March 17, 2023. Spend St Patrick’s Day evening at COS for an epic COS dinner and auction to raise funds for 2 BIG Youth Group Summer trips in 2023: the Northern Ireland Campbell-led journey into conflict resolution and peacemaking and the Colorado Challenge trip where up to 30 high school kids get to go experience God in the mountains of Colorado. And start thinking about a skill, item or experience that you can offer for the auction. Let Annette Ediger know your ideas!