Christmastide, Sunday, December 27, 2020
On, December 27, we will continue to worship using our zoom format, individually, but still as one body, united in Christ. This Sunday, Rev. Andrew Mead will bring us a message based on the scriptures of Psalm 148 & Luke 2:22-40.
“Darkness deserves gratitude. It is the alleluia point at which we realize that all growth does not take place in the sunlight” – Joan Chittister
Many of us are aware, now more than ever, that we are living in difficult times, “dark times.” We may be asking, “Where is God? What am I supposed to do with my feelings? I know the scriptures say rejoice always, but what if I don’t feel like it?”
Every Wednesday evening in January via Zoom, we will spend a half hour (7:30 – 8:00pm) in guided meditation using scripture, poetry, silence and journaling to consider the growth that is happening in the dark. COS member and spiritual director, Andrea Le Roy, will facilitate this time together. We hope to you’ll join us on January 6. Please watch for the Zoom link nearer that date.
The time for Action is here! For weeks now, we have witnessed the multiple ways COS strives to be the hands and feet, the Living Word in Action. It is time now to make your pledge. We are grateful for the 128 individuals and households who have already pledged $653,878. We remind you that pledging is part of our service, an expression of our faith in God’s care for us, and our responsibility to use well what God has entrusted to us. No pledge is too small or too great. We give according to how we have been blessed. Please join in with your fellow servants at COS.
Our Meijer Simply Give program continues through Sat., Jan. 2, 2021.
Give easily online here OR you may purchase your Simply Give cards in person at the Cascade Meijer, anytime during the campaign to help the COS food pantry.
Financial Update:
Last week’s offering and online giving: $18,227
Current Giving for the month of December: $97,545
Monthly General Fund Budget: $112,926
New giving envelopes —There will be a bin outside the Church of the Servant main doors next week where you will be able to pick up your 2021 giving envelopes.
From the Missions Support Team
Thank you, COS family, for your generous support of missions. There’s still time to complete your Faith Promise missionary support pledge before the end of the year. This link will take you to our COS website where you can complete your pledge. If you wish to give additional support, Faith Promise welcomes that support; or, if you’d like to give over-and-above Faith Promise to an individual missionary, check out the missionary profiles on that same COS webpage, where most missionaries include links to individual support.