Happening This Sunday

This Sunday is the Third Sunday of Advent. At 6 pm we will hold our annual Lessons and Carols Service. Church of the Servant’s Lessons & Carols service is always a special evening. The format is simple but profound. We hear scriptures of waiting and fulfillment, sing cherished carols of the season, and experience the variety of voices that make up our congregation. It is truly a wonder-filled service.  Following the Lessons and Carols service, everyone is invited to stay and participate in a dessert potluck. Please bring a dessert to share.

Lessons and Carols Choir will hold its final rehearsal today, Sunday, Dec. 15 at 4:30pm. 

Next Sunday

The Church of the Servant Legacy Foundation was created by the Council in the summer of 2019 to provide a way for members and friends to invest in a long-term fund that will support the ongoing ministry of Church of the Servant for years to come. COS members and friends are encouraged to include our congregation –through the COS Legacy Foundation –in their annual giving plans, as well as in their wills and estate planning. The Foundation trustees are eager to talk to any interested people about this opportunity and to know of those who have already included the Legacy Foundation in their estate plans. There will be an informational session about charitable giving and estate planning next Sunday morning at 9 am (December 22), led by Mike Zahrt, a COS member and attorney. Foundation Trustees are John Bruss, Joel Carpenter, Stacy DeRuiter, Tom McWhertor, & Sandy VanderZicht. Watch for more information about the COS Legacy Foundation in your COS mailbox sometime after the first of the year. 


Middle School: Wednesday, December 18 in WNL, Christmas Party/Service Project.  Note that class will start at 6:00 (1/2 hour earlier than usual).

Dec. 15 – 9am Sunday School: We will conclude our reading of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and celebrate with some Turkish Delight.

Today, 11:45am-2pm – HS Youth Group Christmas Party in the Youth Room! Food, scavenger hunt, Christmas cookie decorating, and worship moment.  Ugly sweaters welcome!  (Note: we will NOT be doing the white elephant gift exchange!!)  Be there and be merry!

Have a wonderful Christmas Break! Youth group activities will be on vacation Dec. 16-Jan. 3. See you at COS on Sat. Jan. 4 for our 1st Serve First of 2020! We will be playing games with BES kids as a fun way to help them learn English. Time TBD

Church News

New Location for the K-3rd Grade Sunday School Room.  Last week children in K-3rd grade began meeting for Sunday school in the children’s worship wing, in the second classroom on the left. Look for the banner above the door to mark the classroom location. 

ESL Christmas — You are invited, Wed. (Dec. 18) 10:30am, Thurs. (Dec 19) 7pm, join our ESL students for a Christmas celebration.  Sure, bring cookies!

If you would have not yet submitted your 2020 pledge form and would like to do so, you may place it in the box in the café area.

Christmas Eve 5 PM Service – Calling all storytellers and actors, young and old! The 5 PM Christmas Eve Service this year will continue the much-loved tradition: retelling stories of hope leading up to Jesus’ birth. We welcome anyone who would like to be angels, shepherds, narrators, musicians, backstage crew, stage/cleanup crew, and more! Our rehearsals will take place after church on Sun., Dec. 22 from 11:30-12:30 (a snack will be provided) and Tues., Dec. 24 at 3pm (before the service). There are no rehearsals for those participating in the musical prelude, which begins at 4:30pm before the service begins. If you and your family would like to be a part of this special service, please add your name/s to the sign-up sheets in the cafe area or email jo.howe@coscrc.org.

Kenny Westrate, our long-time, part-time Facility Assistant, is officially resigning from his position as of Dec 31, 2019.  Heather Westrate has also stepped down from her Sunday roles since October, before the birth of Micah. You are invited to bring cards and tokens of appreciation to be placed in the basket on the café counter. We will be celebrating Kenny and Heather on Dec 29, 2019 with a cake after the AM service.

We are in need of some volunteers for Wednesday night set-up, serving, and clean-up.  If you are willing/able to help on any one or more of the supper/club nights in January or February, please sign up in the café area or email Lori Wiersma lori.wiersma@coscrc.org or the church office diane.jonker@coscrc.org  The dates are January 8, 15, & 22, and February 4, 11, & 18. 

Update on Facility Manager – The Facility Search team has received no applicants to the position opening for a 25 hour Facility Manager. There seem to be many similar openings in other churches and non-profit institutions for part time and full time. Please pray that just the right person will apply. If you have any possible leads please refer them to Lori Wiersma, Church Administrator.

Financial Update: Last week’s offering and online giving was $57946.44. Our total giving for the month of December is $69452.78 (with three Sundays left). Our monthly General Fund budget is $119,028.

We are still collecting knitted winter items, along with newly bought items-including gloves and socks, for our next hat, scarf and mitten distribution on January 4. There is a basket for these items on the Café counter. Thank you!

The Prisoners in Christ team met this past Thursday and started making plans for the 2020 Angel Tree program, the expansion of the Handlon Book group, and Troy Rienstra’s Network for REAL Change Community Academy. The team thanks the congregation for their prayers and support!