On Sunday, April 26, we will continue to worship in homes, individually, but still as one body. This week Pastor Andrew will bring us the message entitled: “Praying our Endurance,” based on the scriptures of Psalm 1 & John 15:1-11.
Each week we will add a new post that includes a house church liturgy, messages from the pastors, resources for leaders, and media to accompany worship together. https://www.churchoftheservantcrc.org/category/housechurch/
Join in one of these wonderful opportunities to participate in worship activities with other COS members.
Middle School:
Even though we can’t be together in the Youth Room, I love how Zoom is still able to capture some of the crazy, loud, and kind personality of this group. It was so good to have Brian back with the us (last Wednesday) and to hear his reminder to ‘be strong and courageous, because God is with us.’ Want more fun, prizes, and worship moments with your peers? Tune in next week at 6:45pm for another episode of Wednesday Night Zoom. Join WNL Zoom Meeting:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/71796320218?pwd=L3ZLVmNIZFB1Nkpxcnd5WlJDeVg0UT09
High School
It’s show-and-tell this Sunday at 11:30am! Show up at the Zoom meeting for our weekly check-in with something to share! 14 COS students will graduate from high school this year. 8 of them are regular participants in high school youth group activities. We want to hear from them while we still have them! Today, Sunday April 26, 2 seniors will share a bit about their plans for next year during our Zoom meeting. We will do this for the next 4 weeks. We will also offer games and prizes (i.e. pizza delivery, e-certificates for donuts or Starbucks!) during the Zoom meetings—Don’t miss it! Join HSYG Zoom Meeting Sunday at 11:30am: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/76225676340?pwd=WVpoMHlRbytEWXF4SUxHZ0dLWkhzZz09
Church News
New Elders and Deacons: In a few months, our congregation will need to elect new elders and deacons to begin service in September. In these serious times, we need thoughtful and dedicated leaders from across our congregation. If you would like to serve, or if you know someone you believe would be qualified, the council invites you to submit a nomination: nomination form is available here.
Financial Update – Last week’s offering and online giving: $ 19,715.04. Total giving for this month: 04/21/2020: $104,536.Our monthly General Fund budget is $119,028.
Face Masks from China – On Wednesday, COS received 200 face masks from Pastor John Chen’s CRC house church ministry in China called Resonate Compassion Ministry. Pastor John is an ordained pastor in the CRC and in Classis GR East. A few other CRCs in Classis GR East have received these masks too. The Resonate Compassion Ministry was formed to respond to the Corona virus Pandemic. Here are a couple of the ministry’s guiding principles:
Resonate Love: Over the past two hundred years, the American church has rendered the Chinese church great sacrificial love. Now that our brothers and sisters and others are in pandemic crisis, we want to show our long-owed resonate love.
Union in Christ: As member of the divine mystic body, we stand with American Christian church to fight the pandemic in prayers and in loving deeds.
Heartfelt thanks to our Chinese brothers and sisters in Christ. What a wonderful gesture of love and compassion from churches in the East helping the churches in the West! COS would like to make these masks available to our members and neighbors who do not have a face mask. Please email Jay at jay.deman@coscrc.org if you need a mask. He can arrange a pickup at church (preferably on Wednesdays) or arrange a drop off to your home, if needed.
Laptop computers needed – Some of our COS students need laptops for their schoolwork and for zoom meetings with our youth groups. It is so important for our students to stay connected with our church family. Computers 8 years old or newer can be set up as a Chromebook for a student. If you have an older laptop and would like to donate it to the church, please contact Jay at jay.deman@coscrc.org to arrange for a drop off at church, preferably on Wednesdays. Thank you so much!
Facility Coordinator Opening: Church of the Servant is looking to hire a part time (up to 25 hrs /week) person to join our staff team and be responsible for our building’s operation and maintenance needs. Strong Facility Management experience preferred. Start date: May 26, 2020. See the position description at: www.coscrc.org/employment Please send your letter of interest and resume to: lori.wiersma@coscrc.org by April 30, 2020.
Rain Garden News from the COS Creation Care Team – Read the article in your virtual church mailbox through this link: https://www.churchoftheservantcrc.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Sacred-Grounds-at-COS.pdf
For all of you who sew and have appropriate fabrics (cluttering your basement shelves) and the other supplies, go online to “Sweet Red Poppies Patterns” to find a face mask pattern for either present day need or the future. Doesn’t matter the color or the print. Maybe a few darker fabrics for any men who may receive these. Knits don’t work so well, but “tightly-woven cotton fabric on both sides” and bandannas are good. If you don’t have any elastic, using bias tape for ties works just fine, or the circular elastic hair bands. Must be breathable fabric. The article about this project is in the Wall Street Journal, April 6. Return masks to the COS office. Questions? Contact Ann Fackler
Registration is still open for the June 5-6, Understanding Racism Workshop. A two-day workshop from 8:30-5pm each day, this workshop experience is designed to explore the deep racial complexity of the United States and to begin to explore paths for restoration. Register on line at CORRnow.org.