Child Blessing in the Communion Circle

For years we’ve given a blessing to children who are joining parents in the communion circle, but not yet participating in the Lord’s Supper. Since covid, we’ve welcomed many new families to COS, and many young children to the table. It’s become harder for child blessers to tell which little ones in a family should receive a blessing, and which will be participating in communion. So, many kids who get both a blessing and communion! For some kids, that’s great—they enjoy being acknowledged. But others, especially post covid—feel less comfortable with touch and the close proximity of a blessing.

So, starting this Sunday, we’re going to simplify our blessing practice by offering a blessing only to babes in arms. All children are still welcome in the communion circle whether or not they partake in the Lord’s Supper, but from now on only children held by a parent will be blessed. We hope that will increase clarity and comfort for both the blessers and the blessed.

If your child is too big to hoist but you’d like them to receive a blessing, you’ll find a member of our prayer ministry available on either side of the large sanctuary as you exit the communion circle. In the All Nations Service there is a separate line for prayer and blessing, which you can join before or after the communion circle. These prayer ministers would be happy to offer a prayer of blessing for your child. Or, you’re welcome to offer a prayer of blessing over your child in the communion circle. 

When and How are Children Invited to Participate in the Lord’s Supper at COS?  

Previous to 2010 our denomination required baptism and a public profession of faith before welcoming a child to the table. As a result, many baptized children didn’t participate in communion until their mid to late teens after studying the catechism, being mentored, and professing their faith. A desire for children to participate sooner in this significant means of grace led to a synodical study committee, which explored the role of the sacraments in faith formation and the question of how and when to welcome children to the table. As a result, synod adopted the following principle:

“All baptized members are welcome to the Lord’s Supper for age-and-ability-appropriate obedience to biblical commands about participation, under the supervision of the elders. The elders have the responsibility to nurture grateful and obedient participation by providing encouragement, instruction, and accountability in the congregation. Requiring a formal public profession of faith prior to participation in the Lord’s Supper is on pastoral approach to consider but is not required by scripture or the confessions.”

From Children at the Table: Toward a Guiding Principle for Biblically Faithful Celebrations of the Lord’s
Supper, A Summary of the Report to Synod 2010

COS was a little ahead of the curve on welcoming children, and our process for welcoming children became one of several models offered as examples of how to apply this principle. That process, which still serves us well, is to offer a class for baptized children and parents to deepen children’s understanding of the sacrament and prepare them for participation. Following the class, children who desire to participate make an age-appropriate profession of faith at the beginning of the communion liturgy. Children respond individually to the question: Do you love Jesus and want to follow him? We hope this profession of faith and public welcome to the Lord’s Supper is one of many milestones of faith in the lives of our children. Another significant milestone is Affirmation of Baptism (also known as Profession of Faith within the CRC) which, though no longer linked to admittance to the Lord’s Supper, remains an important way for our youth grow in faith through a process of mentoring and sharing their faith with the congregation. 

We offer children at the Lord’s Supper classes 2-4 times a year depending on interest. Many children take the class with a parent during 2nd grade, before they graduate from Children’s Worship, so they are ready to participate in communion when they remain in the service. Some families prefer to wait until children are older and desire to participate. Others want their preschoolers or kindergarteners to take the class and participate. These are all good options. We plan to begin offering classes aimed at middle and high schoolers because many families come to COS when children are past the age of 2nd grade but have not yet participated, or are participating in the Lord’s Supper but would benefit from deepening their knowledge of the sacrament. If you’d like to participate with your child or teen in the next available class, please send an email to Jolanda Howe at or Annette Ediger at

If your child missed the last class and has been eagerly desiring to participate, you are welcome to pick up the devotional You’re Invited. Jolanda has copies available at the children’s check-in station. This week-long devotional will help you prepare your child to participate the Lord’s Supper sooner. If you choose to do that, please also sign up for the class the next time it’s available. We don’t want your child to miss out on the chance to deepen their understanding of the sacraments, publicly acknowledge their faith, and be welcomed by the congregation. Milestones like this strengthen the faith of the whole congregation as we witness the work of God’s Spirit among us!