Please join us on March 1 at 7 pm for an Ash Wednesday worship service. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning...
Prism Sundays: March 5 and May 7
COS, A fundamental purpose of merging the two large sanctuary services was to honor the results of our Crossing Over...
Ukulele Club- Feb. 22
By popular demand, we will revive the Ukulele Club on Wednesday, Feb. 22 (NOT a Church Night), at Karen Saupe’s...
This Sunday in Adult Ed- Pastoral Search Team
Join us this Sunday at 11 am as the Pastoral Search Team hosts a learning session focusing on the topic...
February 15 Learning Event- Pastoral Search Team
Our February 15 Learning Event will be guided by a key theme that emerged in our January discussions: a focus on...
COS New Psalm Premiere: “Sustain Me, O God”
Describing a worship service as “full” can mean a number of things. It can mean the worship space was packed...
Understanding Racism Workshops: February and March
The upcoming CORR Understanding Racism workshop to be held here at Church of the Servant on February 16-18 is now...
Pastoral Search Team Events for February
The pastoral search team is preparing for the next two sessions in our series of six congregational learning events. February...
This Week in Adult Ed. -Feb. 5
This Sunday, our 11 am education hour includes a presentation and discussion led by Jamie Skillen. Together we will learn...
Joyful Noise Orchestra- Feb. 12
The Joyful Noise Orchestra will be leading our music on Sunday, February 12. This group is open to all who...
This week in Adult Ed- Jan. 29
This coming Sunday, we welcome Ruth Everhart, author of Ruined, to our 11 am Adult Education hour. Her memoir, Ruined,...
Next in the ARTery: “Water”
The next art show taking place at COS will be a show by COS members and friends titled: WATER. This...