Be a GRCS Host Family. Have you have ever considered hosting an international high school student for the school year?...
Youth Group Auction is Back!
Join us on Wed., Apr. 26 from 6-8pm as the youth of COS hold an auction to raise funds for their...
Peter Cha at Madison Square Church
This March 25, join us for a day of learning at Madison Square Church with Peter Cha! Peter Cha is...
Interested in Becoming a Member at COS?
Are you interested in becoming a member at Church of the Servant? There are 4 classes to attend, scheduled for...
This Week in Adult Ed – March 12
Pastoral Search – In our learning session this Sunday, March 12, during the 11am education hour in room 5, we...
Pastoral Search Committee- March 8
The Pastoral Search Committee is grateful for insights and response forms shared in our previous learning sessions on preaching ministry...
Info on the Sanctuary Movement
Seeking Justice for Immigrants: After 41 years of being involved in the lives of refugee immigrants through sponsorship and resettlement,...
Parents of Children attending K-12 Christian Schools
If you are in need of financial assistance, act now; it is now time to apply for the tuition assistance...
CRC Survey
Church of the Servant has been invited to participate in survey for the CRCNA. This survey is used to help...
Creation Care Team- March 8
Our Creation Care Team meets Wednesday, March 8, from 7-8:30 pm at Church of the Servant. The team comprises three...
Winter and Spring Worship Schedule
March 1: Ash Wednesday, 7 pm We begin the Lenten season with Ash Wednesday on March 1. This service will...
This Week in Adult Ed- February 26
At our 11 am Adult Education hour, you are invited to room 5 to explore a “Galaxy Far, Far Away…”...