Church of the Servant has a tradition of marking All Saints’ Sunday with a service honoring the “cloud of witnesses”—those faithful servants of Christ who have gone before us. Such a practice broadens our understanding of the church, reminds us of those who went before us on the journey of faith, and reinvigorates our trust in Christ’s ultimate victory over sin and death.
Typically, we’ve held an evening service on All Saints’ Sunday that included a time of testimony from members of the congregation. Like so much of our lives, this year will be a little different.
This Sunday, November 1, at 5:30 pm, we will hold a brief, outdoor service in the COS Courtyard. We will stand for the service as we remember those who are with the Lord, and will pay particular remembrance for those in our midst who have died in the last year. The service will conclude with a chance to plant bulbs that will bloom in the spring.
While there will not be a time of testimony during this service, there will be pre-recorded video testimonies made available during the coming week.
Some logistical matters concerning the All Saints’ Service:
– We will not ask that you register for tickets, as we have for our Outdoor Worship Services. However, we do ask that you use this form to let us know that you are coming to the service: Link to Online Form.
– While the service will be short, it is also expected to be quite cold and windy. Please dress accordingly. Additionally, there will not be need for chairs.
– Masks and social distancing are expected.
Thank You!