Did you know that we send out a weekly worship email?
At the beginning of each week, typically on Monday afternoon, we send an email called “Setting the Table.” This email is designed to help you prepare for Sunday worship by offering a snapshot of where we are in the liturgical calendar, sharing the week’s scripture passage, and highlighting interesting details about the upcoming service. These emails help to prepare ourselves for Sunday worship and can be used as part of your weekly devotions.
Setting the Table came from a desire to create deeper connections between COS’s ministries and to help families integrate worship into their daily lives. Whether you’re looking to reflect throughout the week or want a deeper dive into the elements of Sunday’s service, this email can be a helpful resource.
A Brief History of “Setting the Table”
The idea for Setting the Table emerged in 2016 after meetings and surveys with COS’s Faith and Parenting Book Club and Worship Team. The goal? To create intentional ways of connecting worship with life at home. Some of the initial ideas included:
- Scripture verses to memorize or reflect on
- Devotional-style prompts
- Background information on songs in the liturgy
- Insights into the Liturgical Calendar
- Fun ideas like seasonal dance videos to try at home
- Sermon questions for further reflection
From these brainstorming sessions, our former Minister of Worship Greg Scheer, and Dave Hartwell, our communications coordinator, teamed up to turn these ideas into weekly emails. The result is Setting the Table, which has now seen nearly 450 editions since it launched! Over the years, the email has featured scripture passages, discussion questions, art reflections, prayers, and even a few dance videos—all to guide us toward Sunday morning worship.
Why is it Called “Setting the Table”
Just as we “set” the dinner table to prepare for a meal, this email helps us “set” ourselves spiritually as we approach Sunday worship. It’s a way to prepare our hearts and minds for the feast we share at God’s Table—the Word and Sacrament. Each week, we gather to renew the covenant of grace, hear God’s Word, and partake in the feast before being sent out to love and serve throughout the week. You might even notice that the Setting the Table logo includes COS’s color scheme along with an image of the table that sits at the heart of our sanctuary.

How Does “Setting the Table” Happen?
Creating Setting the Table is a collaborative effort. It starts with the big picture: the rhythms of the liturgical season, sermon series, and scripture passages. Each week, the Communications Coordinator confirms the scripture and begins formatting the email. The Minister of Worship and Communications Coordinator then meet to discuss what else might be included, such as new songs, special liturgical elements, or anything interesting happening in the sanctuary art.
Once everything is gathered and laid out, the email is scheduled for delivery and posted to the church website and social media.
How can I receive Setting the Table?
To be included in the Setting The Table email list, fill out the form here. This list is separate from the Friday Newsletter and church-wide announcement emails. One of the key values of Setting the Table is that it’s not an announcement email—so you won’t find event notices or bulletin blurbs here. Instead, it’s a reflective space that invites you to center your thoughts on the week’s worship.