Helping you find your place

We seek to welcome all people at Church of the Servant into an open, caring, and accepting community that promotes growth in Christ. Whether you’re a visitor or a longtime member, you’ll find multiple ways to link up with like-minded people as we walk together on the road of Christian discipleship. Here are some opportunities to explore:


Households are small groups that meet regularly for study, prayer, support, and fellowship. Because much of the church’s pastoral ministry happens in these groups, every COS member is encouraged to become part of a household. To join a household, contact the church office.

Wednesday Evenings

Three Wednesday evenings a month during the school year, members gather for dinner (5:30 pm) in the fellowship space. After the meal, many activities are offered, including Girls’ Club, Boys’ Club, Wednesday Night Live (Middle School youth group), and classes for High School and older. Child care is provided. For more information, call the church office, 956-7611.

Bible Studies

Each year, COS offers a variety of ways to study the Bible.  Our Thursday Morning Bible Study, led by Mary Loeks, takes place on Thursday mornings from 9:30-11:00. Childcare is provided. Interested persons may join at any time.

Another study offered is designed for women who are newer English speakers. This study is led by Barbara Hampton and meets on Thursday mornings, 10:00-11:30. Childcare is provided.

For more information on either study, contact the church office: 956-7611.

Marriage Preparation

To help our members and regular attendees prepare for marriage, we offer a three-session counseling time pastor Andrew Mead. For more information, contact the church office, 956-7611.