Have a winning chili recipe? The COS youth group is still seeking 10 people to make a double batch of their award-worthy chili for our Youth Group’s Auction & Chili Cook-Off on Wed., Apr. 26! There will be 3 cook-off categories: beef chili, any-meat- except-beef chili, and vegetarian chili. The winning recipes (as determined by votes received that night) will receive fame and recognition beyond their wildest dreams! … Or at least a small token of appreciation from the youth group, and the knowledge that you are using your talents to send our youth on a faith adventure this summer. If you’re up for the challenge, sign up in the café today! Questions? Contact Annette.

Guided Fishing Trip on Lake Michigan! Turkish Dinner for 6! 3 hours of organizational help from a professional organizer! The donations keep coming in for our UPCOMING YOUTH AUCTION! But awesome donations aren’t the things that make an auction a success. YOU ARE!!! Please plan to attend our Youth Auction & Chili Cook-Off on Wed., Apr. 26 from 6-8pm to help support our summer mission trips. Auction donations are being accepted by Annette NOW and must be brought to COS no later than Sun., April 23.

For an updated list of Auction Items, see our display in the café.