After 41 years of refugee sponsorship and resettlement, COS is seeking God’s direction regarding our involvement in the lives of undocumented immigrants. Our response as a congregation could take several forms and our purpose now is to study the different options before us and prayerfully seek God’s will as to which option presents the best opportunity for us to follow God’s call faithfully into the future.

To help guide us in this decision, council asks that each of us engage in the following actions: pledge to pray daily for vulnerable immigrants, attend the Church Between Borders interactive workshop on the Wednesday nights of March 22 and 29 from 6-8pm to help us engage immigration from a Biblical perspective, and review the Sanctuary Movement documents posted previously. You are also encouraged to build relationships with the Latino community by signing up with other COS members to attend a worship service with our brothers and sisters in Christ at Comunidad Cristiana de Grand Rapids. This opportunity is available monthly but is limited to 8 people at a time. Contact Josh Baron or Jonathan Bradford.