Over the past few months, we have been gathering ideas of ways to help connect what we do in worship with our faith formation outside the church building. Through a lot of feedback and testing, we have begun sending a weekly email that helps point us toward Sunday worship together and gives resources to aid in our worship and meditation.
These emails, which are sent at the beginning of each week, provide a snapshot of where we are in the liturgical calendar, a glimpse of the upcoming message, the sermon scripture passage, a verse to meditate upon, and background on an interesting aspect of our current liturgy. These weekly emails do not serve to replace any aspect of the worship service, but rather add to them. They help point us toward Sunday worship together.
Because these emails are designed to help us prepare for coming to worship together, and in conjunction with our program-year theme of “The Table,” we are calling these weekly emails: “Setting the Table.”
You can view last week’s email here Or find an archive of past emails here to help familiarize yourself with the content and style of the emails.
If you would like to receive these weekly emails, please follow this link and enter your contact information. These emails will only be sent to those who “opt-in.” If you would like to read these emails, but wish to not receive them in your inbox each week, archived copies will be posted to the COS website. Those archived copies can be found at
Or found by selecting “worship” on the church homepage, then “Setting the Table” on the right hand side.
Any questions or concerns about these emails can be directed to Dave Hartwell at:
Thank You