Adult education offerings this month include a two-part discussion of the Belhar Confession, which Synod 2009 brought before the denomination for consideration. Synod 2009 also “propose[d] to Synod 2012 the adoption of the Belhar Confession as a fourth confession of the Christian Reformed Church in North America.”
The presentations at COS will be led by guests Victoria Proctor-Gibbs and Al Mulder, two longtime members of the CRC and of Madison Square Church, who are adjunct trainers partnering with COS on CORR (Congregations Organizing for Racial Reconciliation).
April 11: “The Confession of Belhar: How We Got Here” – Part 1 of 2
April 18:“What the Belhar Confesses, and What It Means for the Church in North America” – Part 2 of 2