Church of the Servant has been invited to participate in survey for the CRCNA. This survey is used to help...
February, 2017
Creation Care Team- March 8
Our Creation Care Team meets Wednesday, March 8, from 7-8:30 pm at Church of the Servant. The team comprises three...
Winter and Spring Worship Schedule
March 1: Ash Wednesday, 7 pm We begin the Lenten season with Ash Wednesday on March 1. This service will...
This Week in Adult Ed- February 26
At our 11 am Adult Education hour, you are invited to room 5 to explore a “Galaxy Far, Far Away…”...
Ash Wednesday Service
Please join us on March 1 at 7 pm for an Ash Wednesday worship service. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning...
Prism Sundays: March 5 and May 7
COS, A fundamental purpose of merging the two large sanctuary services was to honor the results of our Crossing Over...
Ukulele Club- Feb. 22
By popular demand, we will revive the Ukulele Club on Wednesday, Feb. 22 (NOT a Church Night), at Karen Saupe’s...
This Sunday in Adult Ed- Pastoral Search Team
Join us this Sunday at 11 am as the Pastoral Search Team hosts a learning session focusing on the topic...
February 15 Learning Event- Pastoral Search Team
Our February 15 Learning Event will be guided by a key theme that emerged in our January discussions: a focus on...
COS New Psalm Premiere: “Sustain Me, O God”
Describing a worship service as “full” can mean a number of things. It can mean the worship space was packed...
Understanding Racism Workshops: February and March
The upcoming CORR Understanding Racism workshop to be held here at Church of the Servant on February 16-18 is now...
Pastoral Search Team Events for February
The pastoral search team is preparing for the next two sessions in our series of six congregational learning events. February...