The deacons would appreciate if church members would bring in the Peter Fish as an offering on May 22. We...
May, 2016
High School Students
High School Students: If you needed to find another place to worship… What would you look for? How would you...
Parent Meeting
There will be a brief parent meeting this Sunday (May 8) at 10:30 Am in the Youth Room for parents...
Crossing Over Update
The Crossing Over Steering Team will submit its final report for council approval on May 12th. The congregation will receive...
On Children and Communion
In view of Council’s responsibility for supervising the sacraments, COS offers a Children’s Communion Class for children wishing to participate in...
SERVE Deadline- May 9
This Summer, youth in grades 8-12 are invited to join with nearly 100 other students to be the hands and...
Engage 2016: A Multiethnic Gathering
The COS Antiracism and Reconciliation Team (COSARRT) encourages COS members to attend Engage 2016: A Multiethnic Gathering at Calvin College....